Journal Papers

Journal Papers


  • Aggarwal, A., & Srivastava, S. K.(2024). Exploring eustress and fear: A new perspective on protection motivation in information security policy compliance within the financial sector. Computers & Security, 142, 103857.
  • Aggarwal, A., & Srivastava, S. K. (2024). Synthesizing Information Security Policy Compliance And Non-compliance: A Comprehensive Study And Unified Framework. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 1-32.
  • Atul Agrawal(2024), “Economic Surplus for Buyers in Day-Ahead Electricity Market of India”, Economic & Political Weekly, (B/ABDC) (Scopus)
  • Chinnarao Kurangi, Kiran Kumar Paidipati, A. Siva Krishna Reddy, Jayasankar Uthayakumar, Ganesan Kadiravan, Shabana Parveen (2024), “Metaheuristic optimization-based clustering with routing protocol in wireless sensor networks”; International Journal of Communication System,
  • Dahiya, R. (2024). Future cooperation at work emerges when apologies are sincere: The importance of forgiveness and trust restoration. Evidence-based HRM, 12(2), 289-304.
  • Dahiya, R., Singh, A., & Pandey, A. (2024). Social strife at work: Unravelling the link between workplace relationship conflict and employee ostracism behavior. International Journal of Conflict Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  • Dua;, A., Sinha, D., Chhabra, R., & Shah, B(2024). "Exploring the factors causing delay in export by containerised multimodal transportation", International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 15(4), pp. 386-404. DOI: 10.1504/IJAOM.2024.140474
  • Ghosh, A.,Sharma, P., Vashisht, D., Malik, P., Mondal, A., & Mondal, S. (2024). Socio-economic-environmental challenges at himachal villages: findings from five unnat bharat abhiyan adopted villages. GeoJournal, 89, 3. DOI:
  • Goel, A., Baliga, A. J., Rangarajan, D., & Lussier, B. (2024). Technology use in B2B sales: examining the extant literature and identifying future research opportunities using morphological analysis. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 1-17.
  • Goel, A., Ramalingam, S., Renganaidu, V., & Inturi, S. K., (2024). Technology selection dilemma in an affordable mass housing project. In Sage Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,
  • Harichandan, A.(2024). Rationality of the Terrorist Group and Government’s Policy: A Game Theoretic Approach. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 30(1), 27-53.
  • Kango, U.,Gupta, A., Sharma, D., & Singh, A. (2024). Digital platforms as co-producers of space: A Lefebvrian analysis of tensions in digital platforms. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, In Press.
  • Kumar, V., & Kaushal, V. (2024). Role of brand heritage and nostalgia in developing perceived brand authenticity. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. Advance online publication.
  • Kundu, S., Kundu, R., & Chettri, K. B. (2024). Asymmetric effects of democracy and macroeconomic factors on happiness under high and low per capita incomes: A threshold panel analysis. Ecological Economics, 216, 108030.
  • Kunroo, M. H., & Alam, Md. A. (2024). Determinants of Road Traffic Crash Fatalities: A Case of Road Accidents in India, 2004–2018. The Indian Economic Journal, 72(4), 602-622.
  • Lanke, P., Nath, P., Verma, S., & Singh, V. (2024). The past, present and the future of job crafting research: A retrospective review. Australian Journal of Career Development, 33(1), 57-71.
  • Malik, P. & Malik, P. (2024). Mitigating destructive deviance in organisations: assessing the role of perceived HRM practices and perceived organisational support. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 32 (7), 1242-1263 DOI:
  • Malik, P. & Malik, P. (2024). Should I stay or move on—examining the roles of knowledge sharing system, job crafting, and meaningfulness in work in influencing employees' intention to stay. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 11 (2), 325-346. DOI:
  • Malik, P. (2024). Individual-focused transformational leadership and change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: mediating and moderating mechanisms of job crafting and employee resilience. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 11 (1), 90-113. DOI:
  • Malik, P., Malik, P., Meher, J.R. and Yadav, S. (2024). Assessing the relationship between AMO framework and talent retention: role of employee engagement and transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI:
  • Mishra, V., & Sharma, M. (2024). Factors affecting implementation of digital lean in healthcare in the post-COVID world–mixed-method approach. The TQM Journal.
  • Paidipati, K.K., Kurangi, C., J, U. et al.(2024). Wireless sensor network assisted automated forest fire detection using deep learning and computer vision model. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 26733–26750.
  • Paidipati, K.K., Kurangi, C., Uthayakumar, J. et al.(2024). Ensemble of deep reinforcement learning with optimization model for DDoS attack detection and classification in cloud based software defined networks. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 32367–32385.
  • Patra, P. and Dinesh Kumar, U.K. (2024), "Opportunistic and delayed maintenance as strategies for sustainable maintenance practices", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Sharma, M. G., & Kumar, S. (2024). Probing frugal innovation from the quality lens. The TQM Journal
  • Sharma, R., Wahbeh, S., Sundarakani, B., Manikas, I., & Pachayappan, M.(2024). Enhancing domestic food supply in the UAE: A framework for technology-driven urban farming systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 139823.
  • Shiksha Kushwah, Atul Agrawal(2024), “Understanding Switching Intentions towards Renewable Energy Technologies Using Push-Pull-Mooring Framework”, Journal of Cleaner Production (A/ABDC) (Scopus) (SCI)
  • Singh, S., Awasthi, K., Patra, P., Srivastava, J. and Trivedi, S.K. (2024), "Sustainable HRM the next hotspot for management research? A study using topic modelling", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Srivastava, S. K.,Srivastava, P. R., & Zhang, J. Z. (2024). E-Government and Corruption: Is Accountability a Bridge?. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 34(1), 46-63.
  • Trivedi, S. K., Singh, A., Irfan, M., Harigaran, T., & Patra, P. (2024). Energy Transition, the Next Hotspot of Energy Research: A Study Using Topic Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2024.3368153
  • Vandana, Sangwa, N. R., Ertz, M., & Shashi (2024). Sustainable and resilient cold chains: Enhancing adaptability, consistency, and digital transformation for success in a turbulent market. Business Strategy and the Environment, Early View, doi:
  • Vandana, Sangwa, N. R., Ertz, M., & Shashi (2024). Sustainable and resilient cold chains: Enhancing adaptability, consistency, and digital transformation for success in a turbulent market. Business Strategy and the Environment, Early View, doi:
  • Vandana,Sangwa, N. R., Ertz, M., & Shashi. (2024) Sustainable and resilient cold chains: Enhancing adaptability, consistency, and digital transformation for success in a turbulent market. Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. (In Press), 1-27,
  • Vashisht, D. (2024). In-Game Advertising: Role of Virtual Reality and Persuasion Knowledge. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 1-12; DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2024.2382223
  • Mishra, Arpita Ghosh, G. Biswas (2024), “Perspectives of crop improvement techniques and green chemistry towards sustainable agriculture”, Role of green chemistry in ecosystem restoration to achieve environmental sustainability, Elsevier,
  • Arpita Ghosh, A., Sharma, P, Vashisht, D, Malik, P., Mondal, A., Mondal, S., (2024), “Socio-Economic- Environmental Challenges faced by villages of Himachal Pradesh, India: Findings from five Unnat Bharat Abhiyan adopted villages”, Geo Journal, Springer
  • Karthikeyan Balakumar, Akshay Narayanan (2024), “Shodganga - Gentle nudge or coercive push?", Economic and Political Weekly
  • Bhavin Shah(2024), “Can we improve picking productivity through lean workforce?”, Proceedings of 16th ISDSI Global Conference, Reimagining Globalization: The Power of Digital Interconnection in a Deglobalizing World



  • Shashi., Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., & Jhamb, D. (2023). Double-edged circularity: Comparative assessment of circular and non-circular consumers. Ecological Economics, 212, 107931.
  • Ertz, M., Kashav, Shashi., Zeng, T., & Sun, S. (2023). Socially responsible life cycle assessment: organizational activity for the greater good. Social Responsibility Journal.
  • Tandon, U., Ertz, M., & Shashi. (2023). Continued Intention of mHealth Care Applications among the Elderly: An Enabler and Inhibitor Perspective. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-16.,
  • Kiran Paidipati, K., Kurangi, C., J, U. (2023), “Wireless sensor network assisted automated forest fire detection using deep learning and computer vision model”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer,
  • Kiran Paidipati, , Kurangi, C., Uthayakumar, J. (2023), Ensemble of deep reinforcement learning with optimization model for DDoS attack detection and classification in cloud based software defined networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer,
  • Talari Ganesh, Kiran Paidipati, Christophe Chesneau (2023), "Stochastic Transportation Problem with Multichoice Random Parameter", Computational and Mathematical Methods,
  • Bheemudu, Ramakrishna Goud, Ravi Ragoju, KiranPaidipati& Christophe Chesneau (2023), “Nonlinear magnetoconvection of a Maxwell fluid in a porous layer with chemical reaction”, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Taylor & Francis,
  • Christophe Chesneau, Kalpana Polisetty, Gowthami Paltati, Kiran Kumar Paidipati (2023), “An Empirical Study on Assessment of Trend Analysis with Reference to Food Grains Production in India”, Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
  • Nagaraju, K. Ramesh Babu, G. Shiva Kumar Reddy, Kiran Kumar Paidipati, Christophe Chesneau (2023), “On oscillatory rotating convection of a couple-stress fluid with chemical reaction”, Scientia Iranica, DOI 10.24200/SCI.2023.60639.6912
  • Karan Singhal, Ankur Sarin & Advaita Rajendra(2023) What money couldn’t buy: social protection for migrants in India’s lockdown, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis,
  • Sanja Samirana Pattnayak, Alka Chadha& Suresh Kumar Patra (2023), “Lockdowns and female labour force participation: the curious case of India”, Applied Economics, Routledge, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2023.2275224
  • Gurung, D., Gowreesunkar, V(2023). Mapping the landscape of tourism cities research a bibliometric analysis of the International Journal of Tourism Cities, International Journal of Tourism Cities, Emerald Insight, Link:
  • Gupta, S., Sajnani, M., Gowreesunkar, V(2023). "Impact of Social Media Platforms on Tourist’s Perception of the Selection of Food Outlets: A Case of Delhi NCR (India)" International Journal of Professional Business Review, Vol 8 No. 7, pp 1-17
  • Gowreesunkar, V., Maingi, S. and Cooper, C. (2023), “Book Chapter: Tourism policies in the next normal: Trends and Issues from global case studies", Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Supply and Demand" Edited by Alastair M. Morrison and Dimitrios Buhalis
  • Parul Malik, Pooja Malik (2023), "Should I stay or move on—examining the roles of knowledge sharing system, job crafting, and meaningfulness in work in influencing employees' intention to stay", Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Emerald,
  • Pooja Malik, Parul Malik(2023), "Mitigating destructive deviance in organisations: assessing the role of perceived HRM practices and perceived organisational support", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Rinki Dahiya(2023), "Future cooperation at work emerges when apologies are sincere: the importance of forgiveness and trust restoration", Evidence-based HRM, Emerlad,
  • Kumar, V., Raj, R., Verma, P., Bhavin Shah(2023), “Assessing risk and sustainability factors in spice supply chain management”, Operations Management Research, Springer
  • Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Bhavin Shah(2023), “Big data analytics adaptive prospects in sustainable manufacturing supply chain”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald,
  • Bhavin Shah(2023), “Lean Assessment for an Indian Warehousing Industry”, In the proceedings of Conference: Reimagining the Future of Business: The Challenges of Leadership, Digitalization, and Sustainability”, DOI: 10.17492/jpi.bimtech.231102
  • Vikas Kumar, Vikrant Kaushal(2023), "Brand ethicality as a driver of psychological, affective and behavioral response to a brand", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Emerlad,
  • Kailash Choudhary, Narpat Ram Sangwa, Kuldip Singh Sangwan (2023), “Comparative life cycle assessment of flooring options for sustainable buildings”, Construction Innovation (Information, Process, Management), Emerald,
  • Narpat Ram Sangwa(2023), “Enhanced sensor and improved connectivity as key enablers of Industry 4.0”, Industry 4.0: Concepts, Processes and Systems (Edited Book); Taylor and Francis
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava, Sandeep Singh (2023), “Financial digital divide and Indian street vendors: An ethnographic study”, ETLTC-ICETM2023 International Conference Proceedings: ICT Integration in Technical Education & Entertainment Technologies and Management,
  • Alruqi, M., Sharma, P., Bora, B. J., & Arpita Ghosh(2023), “Multi-objective optimization of ternary blends of Algal biodiesel–diesel–1-decanol to mitigate environmental pollution in powering a diesel engine using RSM, ANOVA, and artificial bee colony”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-14,
  • Das, J., & Arpita Ghosh(2023), “Recycling Practices of E-Waste and Associated Challenges: A Research Trends Analysis”, Nature Environment & Pollution Technology, 22(3).
  • Arpita Ghosh(2023), “The Insights of CSR Activities in Indian Industries and Global Research Trends”, Chapter in edited book: Sustainability Entrepreneurship, Equity and Ditial Strategies, Bloomsbury
  • Arpita Ghosh(2023), “Exponential population growth and global food security: challenges and alternatives, Chapter in edited book: Bioremediation of Emerging Contaminants from Soils : Soil Health Conservation Along with Food Security”Elsevier
  • Amrinder Singh, Soni, T.K. and Bhusan, S. (2023), "Accounting practices at an Indian winery: the case of new vineyard", , Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of print.;
  • Amit Kulshreshtha, Atul Agrawal (2023), "Electricity Generation in thermal power plants from agriculture residue-based Biomass: Techno-Economic Aspects & Contribution in Sustainable Development Goals", Water & Energy International Journal
  • Kunroo MH, Ahmad I (2023), “Kunroo MH, Ahmad I (2023) What drives India’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment? A Country-level analysis, Forthcoming in EPW, Economic and Political Weekly
  • Kunroo MH, Ahmad MA (2023), “Determinants of Road Traffic Crash Fatalities: A Case of Road Accidents in India, 2004-2018”, Forthcoming in The Indian Economic Journal, Sage
  • Sudan, Arpita Ghosh, M. Verma (2023), P. C. Tomar, “Impact of Water Pollution & Perspective Techniques to Mitigate: An Overview”, Wiley book “Handbook of Water Pollution", Wiley
  • Arpita Ghosh(2023), “Challenges and Mitigation Techniques for Clean Rural Water Supply In Himachal Pradesh, India”, Water resources management for rural development, Elsevier
  • Vandana(2023), “Analysis of two-warehouse effects on inventory models under preservation technology and ramp-type demand with complete and partial backlogging”, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Americal Insitutte of Mathematical science, DOI: 3934/jimo.2023031
  • Vandana(2023), “Partial trade-credit policy under preservation technology: A mathematical analytic approach to inventory models”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Springer.
  • Ram Kumar Dhurkari (2023), R. K. Multi-Attribute Gain Loss (MAGL) Method to Predict Choices. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Elsevier
  • Akshay Aggarwal, Ram Kumar Dhurkari(2023), “Association between Stress and Information Security Policy Non-Compliance Behavior: A Meta-analysis”, Computers & Security, Elsevier,
  • Bhavin Shah(2023), “What should be lean buffer threshold for the forward-reserve warehouse?”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Emerald,
  • Bhavin Shah, Vikas Kumar, Banu Yetkin Ekren, Guilherme Francisco Frederico (2023), “Modelling the Business and Societal decisions under the impact of COVID-19”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Emerald,
  • Vikas Kumar, Vikrant Kaushal, Shashi(2023), “Role of customer perceived brand ethicality in inducing engagement in online brand communities”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Elsevier,
  • Tarun Kumar Soni,Amrinder Singh, Vikrant Kaushal (2023), “Capital investments and firm characteristics: The moderating role of economic policy uncertainty in the hospitality sector”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Elsevier,
  • Ashish Kumar Singh, Prayas Sharma(2023), “A study of Indian Gen X and Millennials consumers’ intention to use FinTech payment services during COVID-19 pandemic”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Emerald,
  • Irfan Aslam, Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin, Muhammad Hanif & Prayas Sharma(2023), “Memory type ratio and product estimators under ranked-based sampling schemes”, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2021.1924784
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Sriranga Vishnu, Amrinder Singh, and Mohit Yadav (2023), “Research Trends in Sustainable E-Payment Systems: A Study Using Topic Modeling Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE, 1109/TEM.2023.3280216
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Amrinder Singh, Mohit Yadav, Ajay Kumar, and Praveen Ranjan Srivastava (2023), “Intention to use social media in online and blended learning: Potential predictors and mediation of collectivism”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE, 1109/TEM.2023.3257422
  • Amrinder Singh, CA Soumik Bhusan (2023), “Best Practices in Finance Education in COVID Era: IIM Sirmaur”, Management and Labour Studies, SAGE, 1177/0258042X211067305
  • Shashi, Piera Centobelli, Roberto Cerchione, Deepika Jhamb (2023), “What makes people hesitant from circularity: An analysis of risk, marketing mix, cost and inconvenience”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Wiley,
  • Sakshi Kathuria, Shashi, Urvashi Tandon (2023), “Conceptualizing blockchain in tourism consumer experience: implications for tourism marketing”, Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Emerald,
  • Ram Asra Khural, Shashi, Myriam Ertz, Roberto Cerchione (2023), “Moving toward sustainability and circularity in hill road construction: A study of barriers, practices, and performance”,Engineering Construction & Architectural Management, Emerald,
  • Shashi, Piera Centobelli, Roberto Cerchione, Myriam Ertz, Eugenio Oropallo (2023), “What we learn is what we earn from sustainable and circular construction”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier,
  • Mohd Hussain Kunroo, Imran Ahmad (2023), “Kunroo MH, Ahmad I (2023) Heckscher-Ohlin Theory or the Modern Trade Theory: How the Overall Trade Characterizes at the Global Level?”, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer. 21(1): 151–174, Springer,
  • Parul Malik(2023), “Measuring the impact of learning organization on proactive work behavior: mediating role of employee resilience”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Emerald,
  • Parul Malik(2023), “Individual-focused transformational leadership and change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: mediating and moderating mechanisms of job crafting and employee resilience”, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Emerald,
  • Rinki Dahiya(2023), “Build trust in the organization because it matters: exploring the nexus of enablers of organizational trust through DEMATEL”, Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Emerald,
  • Arpita Ghosh, Sunil Kumar, Jit Das (2023), “Impact of Leachate and Landfill Gas on Ecosystem And Health: Research Trends and Way Forward Towards Sustainability”, Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier,
  • Ananya Das, Arpita Ghosh (2023), “Landscape Assessment of the cities in the State of Maharashtra: First Step towards Air Quality Management (AQM) & Strategic implementation of mitigation plans”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer,
  • Rahul Mishra, Ekta Singh, Aman Kumar, Arpita Ghosh, Shang-Lien Lo, Sunil Kumar (2023), “Co-gasification of solid waste and its impact on final product yields”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier,
  • Arijit Roy, Arpita Ghosh& Devika Vashisht (2023), “The consumer perception and purchasing attitude towards organic food: a critical review”, Nutrition and Food Science, Emerald,
  • Ananya Das, Arpita Ghosh(2023), “Vision Net Zero: a review of decarbonisation strategies to minimise climate risks of developing countries”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Springer,
  • Deepti Jamwal, Priyanka Saini, Pushpa C. Tomar & Arpita Ghosh(2023), “Perspectives on the potential of Mangiferin as a nutraceutical: a review”, Nutrition and Food Science, Emerald,
  • Pradipta Patra, U Dinesh Kumar (2023), “Availability contracts under hierarchical maintenance”, Annals of Operations Research, Springer, just accepted; DOI or web link not available as of now; undergoing proof correction
  • Debalina Bera, Obi Ogbanufe, Dan J. Kim (2023), “Towards a thematic dimensional framework of online fraud: An exploration of fraudulent email attack tactics and intentions”, Decision Support Systems, Elsevier,
  • Devika Vashisht(2023) “Engaging and Entertaining Customers: Gamification in Interactive Marketing” In: Wang, C.L. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Srimannarayana Gajula, Lalitha P S, Kiran Kumar Paidipati(2023), “Frequency of Indian Health Insurance Claims Data using Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) and Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) Regression Models”, European Economic Letters (EEL),
  • Soumya Varma, Singh, N., & Zhang, J. Z. (2023). Evolving trajectories of circular supply chain domain: a citation path analysis. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Emerald,



  • Aggarwal, Akshay, Shashi Kant Srivastava(2022), “Book review: Dave Chatterjee. 2021. Cybersecurity Readiness: A Holistic and High-Performance Approach”, Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research 21(2), 152–153.
  • Sarveshwar Kumar Inani, Harsh Pradhan, R. Prasanth Kumar and Ajay Kumar Singal(2022), “Do daily price extremes influence short-term investment decisions? Evidence from the Indian equity market Investment Management and Financial Innovations”, doi:10.21511/imfi.19(4).2022.10
  • Prayas Sharma, Ashish Kumar Singh, Víctor Leiva, Carlos Martin-Barreiro, and Xavier Cabezas (2022). "Modern Multivariate Statistical Methods for Evaluating the Impact of WhatsApp on Academic Performance: Methodology and Case Study in India" Applied Sciences,
  • Abhinav Verma, Nitesh Kumar Adichwal, Prayas Sharma (2022), “Implementation and Scope of Business Intelligence and Oracle Transportation Management System in Tata Steel Supply Chain”, in ed. Book “Business Intelligence and Human Resource Management”, Routledge
  • Prayas Sharma, Adichwal, N. K. ., & Singh, A. K. (2022), “Knowledge and Awareness of COVID-19 in Uttar Pradesh: An Exploratory Data Analysis”, Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies,
  • Prayas Sharma, Surya K. Pal, Housila P. Singh (2022), “Improved Estimators of Population Mean under Nonresponse in Successive Sampling”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,
  • Ram Kumar Dhurkari(2022), “Remarks on the Inconsistency Measure of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press,
  • Ram Kumar Dhurkari(2022), “Choice of Platform for Online Classes at Well-Known Institute of Management”, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, SAGE,
  • Ram Kumar Dhurkari(2022), “MCDM Methods: Practical Difficulties and Future Directions for Improvement”, RAIRO - Operations Research, EDP Sciences,
  • Ram Kumar Dhurkari(2022), “Networking Infrastructure Decision at Well Known Institute of Management”, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, SAGE,
  • Sana Maidullah, Mohammad Rokibul Hossain, Fahmida Akhter, and Azizul Hassan (2022), “Transmogrifying Tourism Events in Industry 4.0: An Analysis from Industry and Tourist Perspectives”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd,
  • Jeetesh Kumar, Sana Maidullah(2022), “The impact of hotel responses to online negative reviews on consumers' purchase intention, ENLIGHTENING TOURISM. A PATHMAKING JOURNAL, Universidad de Huelva:
  • Arun Bhatia & Sana Maidullah (2022), “Voice of the Unheard: Travel Motivation and Intention of Indian Gays and Lesbians”, Revista Latino-Americana de Turismologia,
  • Albi Thomas, M. Suresh & Bhavin Shah (2022), “Factors impacting Humanitarian Operations in Healthcare during life-threatening pandemics”, International Journal of Healthcare Management, Taylor and Francis,
  • Aswathy Sreenivasan, Bhavin Shah, M. Suresh (2022), “Modelling of factors affecting supplier selection on start-ups during frequent pandemic episodes like COVID-19”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald,
  • Kiran Kumar Paidipati, Arjun Banik, Bhavin Shah, and Narpat Ram Sangwa(2022), “Forecasting of Sugarcane Productivity Estimation in India- A Comparative study with Advanced Non-parametric Regression Models”, Journal of Algebraic Statistics,
  • Suguna, Bhavin Shah, B. U. Sivakami, M. Suresh (2022), “Factors affecting Repurposing Operations in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises during Covid-19 emergency”, Operations Management Research Journal, Emerald,
  • Bhavin Shah, Guilherme Frederico, Vikas Kumar, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Anil Kumar (2022), “The COVID19 impact on humanitarian operations: lessons for future disrupting events”, Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management,Emerald,
  • Bhavin Shah, Pankaj Dutta, Angappa Gunasekaran, Surendra Kansara (2022), “Sourcing strategies and supply chain operations under the impact of COVID-19”, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Emerald,
  • Deepak Jaiswal, Vikrant Kaushal, Ashutosh Mohan, Park Thaichon (2022), “Mobile wallets adoption: pre-and post-adoption dynamics of mobile wallets usage”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Emerald,
  • Deepak Jaiswal, Vikrant Kaushal, Arun Kumar Deshmukh, Rishi Kant, Pradeep Kautish (2022), “What drives electric vehicles in an emerging market? Marketing Intelligence & Planning”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Emerald,
  • Mahendar Reddy Gavinolla, Hiran Roy & Vikrant Kaushal(2022), “A retrospective overview of the Journal of Foodservice Business Research using bibliometric analysis”, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Taylor & Francis,
  • Sidharth Srivastava, Teena Pareek, Savita Sharma, Vinay Chittiprolu & Vikrant Kaushal(2022), “Determinants of restaurant experience during the on-going pandemic scenario in India”, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Taylor & Francis,
  • Sanjay Singh, Yogita Aggarwal (2022), “Mediating role of innovation heuristics on the relationship between pioneering innovative orientation and organisational performance: Insights from diverse stakeholders”, IIMB Management Review, Elsevier,
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Pradipta Patra, Amrinder Singh, Pijush Deka, Praveen Ranjan Srivastava (2022), “Analyzing the research trends of COVID-19 using topic modeling approach”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Emerald,
  • Vishal Sharma, Amrinder Singh, Siddharth Shankar Rai (2022), “Disruptions in sourcing and distribution practices of supply chains due to COVID-19 pandemic: a sustainability paradigm”, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Emerald,
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Amrinder Singh, Somesh Kumar Malhotra (2022), “Prediction of polarities of online hotel reviews: an improved stacked decision tree (ISD) approach”, Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Emerald,
  • Amrinder Singh, Tarun Kumar Soni (2022), “Firm Performance and R&D Investment Linkages: Study of India's Top 500 Companies”, The Journal of Developing Areas, Tennessee State University College of Business, 1353/jda.2022.0041
  • Kailash Choudhary, Narpat Ram Sangwa, Kuldip Singh Sangwan & Rajesh Kr Singh (2022), “Impact of lean and quality management practices on green supply chain performance: an empirical study on ceramic enterprises”, Quality Management Journal, Taylor & Francis Online,
  • Shashi, Myriam Ertz, Piera Centobelli, and Roberto Cerchione (2022), “Shaping the future of Cold Chain 4.0 through the lenses of digital transition and sustainability”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE, 10.1109/TEM.2022.3194208
  • Deepak Bubber and Rakesh Kumar Jain, Gulshan Babber, Shashi(2022), “Transforming product development and production to be lean for improving business performance”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald,
  • Parul Malik(2022), “Exploring the role of individual-focused transformational leadership in facilitating taking charge: mediating mechanism of psychological capital and thriving at work”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Emerald,
  • Pooja Malik and Parul Malik(2022), “Making Generation Y employees want to stick to their jobs: the roles of individualized consideration transformational leadership, occupational self-efficacy, and personal growth initiative”, Evidence-based HRM, Emerald,
  • lRinki Dahiya, Juhi Raghuvanshi (2022), “Validation of innovative work behaviour scale: Indian apparel manufacturing sector”,Asia Pacific Management Review, Elsevier,
  • Rinki Dahiya(2022), “Interpersonal forgiveness and employee life satisfaction: The role of affect at work”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Emerald,
  • Rinki Dahiya, Juhi Raghuvanshi (2022), “Measure human capital because people really matter: development and validation of human capital scale (HuCapS)”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Emerald,
  • Rinki Dahiya(2022), “Insecure people can eclipse your sun; so identify before it is too late: revisit to the nexus between job insecurity, organizational identification and employee performance behavior”, Evidence-based HRM, Emerald,
  • Juhi Raghuvanshi, Dhirendra Shukla, Rinki Dahiya(2022), “Parameters for selecting the partners in locally owned renewable energy small-scale project for achieving energy security in Atlantic Canada”, Energy for Sustainable Development, Elsevier,
  • Rinki Dahiya, Juhi Raghuvanshi (2022), “Pay Attention to Those Who Are Not Epidemiologically Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic”, IEEE Engineering Management Review, IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/EMR.2022.3163159
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava, Poulomi Bhattacharjee, Gajanan Badhe, Nupur Rao (2022), “Inclusive Hiring at Wkitoi”, AIMS Journal of Management, Association of Indian Management School (Case)
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava, Sujata Chincholkar, Utkarsh Mangal, Pritha Nasery Ubgade (2022), “Project Overrun: Ge ing it on Track”, AIMS JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, Association of Indian Management School (Case)
  • Tanmay Ilame, Arpita Ghosh(2022), “The promising applications of nanoparticles for synthetic dyes removal from wastewater: Recent review”, Management of Environmental Quality: an International Journal, Emerald, Emerald,
  • Arpita Ghosh(2022), “Importance of waste to wealth and renewable energy towards sustainable development”, handbook of green and sustainable nanotechnology – Springer Nature, Springer,
  • Dr Neha Sharma, Dr Mahesh Uniyal, Prof. Sharmila Fernandes, Prof. Mahabub Basha (2022), “An Empirical Study on Stress Management in Information Technology Industry in India”, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Society of Business and Management, DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.03.012
  • Tanuj Sharma, Dr Neha Sharma, Dr Mahesh Uniyal (2022), “An Empirical Study on Consumer Behavior towards E-Marketing”, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Society of Business and Management, DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.02.067
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi,Pradipta Patra, Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, Ajay Kumar, Fei Ye (2022), “Exploring Factors Affecting Users’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Digital Technologies: The Mediating Effect of Social Influence”, IEEE TEMS (transactions on engineering management), ieee, 1109/tem.2022.3182361
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Pradipta Patra, Amrinder Singh, Pijush Deka, Praveen Ranjan Srivastava (2022), “Analyzing the research trends of COVID-19 using topic modeling approach”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Emerald,
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Pradipta Patra, Saumya Singh (2022), “A study on intention to use social media in higher education: the mediating effect of peer influence”, Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Emerald,
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Ankit Sharma, Pradipta Patra, and Shubhamoy Dey (2022), “Prediction of Intention to Use Social Media in Online Blended Learning Using Two Step Hybrid Feature Selection and Improved SVM Stacked Model”, IEEE TEMS (Transactions on Engineering Management), IEEE, 10.1109/TEM.2022.3212901
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Pradipta Patra, Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, Justin Zuopeng Zhang, Leven J. Zheng (2022), “What prompts consumers to purchase online? A machine learning approach”, Electronic Commerce Research, Springer,
  • Pradipta Patra, Arijit Roy, Arpita Ghoshand Parul Malik (2022), “Socio-economic impact on the availability of basic amenities: a comparative analysis of villages of hilly states, India”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Emerald,
  • Puneet Sharma, Arpita Ghoshand Pradipta Patra (2022), “Statistical assessment of COVID-19 lockdowns on ambient air quality, Himachal Pradesh and learnings for implementing clean technologies: insight from industrial town, India”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Emerald,
  • Vikas Kumar, Arun K. Kaushik (2022), “Engaging customers through brand authenticity perceptions: The moderating role of self-congruence”, Journal of Business Research, Elsevier,
  • Vikas Kumarand Vikrant Kaushal, Arun Kumar Kaushik (2022), “Building relationship orientation among travelers through destination brand authenticity”, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Sage,
  • Vikas Kumar, Imran Khan and Mobin Fatma, Amrinder Singh(2022), “Engaging luxury brand consumers on social media”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Emerald,
  • Mobin Fatma, Imran Khan, Vikas Kumar, Avinash Kumar Shrivastava (2022), “Corporate social responsibility and customer-citizen relationship behaviour: the role of customer-company identification”, European Business Review, Emerald,
  • Yadav, J.K., Verma, D.C., Jangirala, Kant Srivastava, S.K., Aman, M.N. (2022). Blockchain for Aviation Industry: Applications and Used Cases. In: Fong, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 314. Springer, Singapore.
  • Yadav, J.K., Jangirala, S., Verma, D.C., Kant Srivastava, K., Chaudhry, S.A. (2022). Blockchain for Fool-Proof E-Voting Systems. In: Fong, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 314. Springer, Singapore.
  • Krishna Yadav, J., Chandra Verma, D., Jangirala, Kant Srivastava,S.K. (2022). Blockchain and Tourism: Transformation of Three Research Propositions to the Policy Paradigm. In: Kumar, A., Mozar, S. (eds) ICCCE 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 828. Springer, Singapore.
  • Kiran Kumar Paidipati, Arjun Banik , Bhavin Shah, Narpat Ram Sangwa(2022), “Forecasting of Sugarcane Productivity Estimation in India-A Comparative Study with Advanced Non-Parametric Regression Models”, Journal of Algebraic Statistics,
  • Gundlapally Shiva Kumar Reddy, Nilam Venkata Koteswararao, Ragoju Ravi, Kiran Kumar Paidipati, Christophe Chesneau (2022), “Dissolution-Driven Convection in a Porous Medium Due to Vertical Axis of Rotation and Magnetic Field”, Mathematical and Computational Applications, MDPI, or
  • Chirnam Ramchandraiah, Naikoti Kishan, Gundlapally Shiva Kumar Reddy, Kiran Kumar Paidipati, Christophe Chesneau (2022), “Double-Diffusive Convection in Bidispersive Porous Medium with Coriolis Effect”, Mathematical and Computational Applications, MDPI,
  • Mahesh Singh, Ravi Ragoju, G. Shiva Kumar Reddy, Anjanna Matta, Kiran Kumar Paidipati, Christophe Chesneau (2022), “Non-linear magnetoconvection in a bidispersive porous layer: a brinkman model”, Earth Science Informatics, Springer,



  • Devika Vashisht(2021), "The effect of novelty in in-game advertising: examining the moderating role of interactivity and congruency", Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Emerald,
  • Devika Vashisht, Mohan, H.S., Chauhan, A. and Vashisht, R. (2021), "Thought favorability: mediating role in fit and brand advocacy", Arts and the Market, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 40-53.
  • Ram Kumar Dhurkari, Anjan Kumar Swain, Sanjeeb Kumar Patjoshi (2021), “Vehicle Routing and Capacity Planning - A Three Phase Algorithm”, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Taylor and Francis,
  • Suguna, Bhavin Shah, S. Karthik Raj, M. Suresh (2021), “A Study on the influential factors of the last mile delivery projects during Covid-19 era”, Operations Management Research Journal, Emerald,
  • Bhavin Shah, Gaganpreet Singh (2021), “Can Collaborative buffering strategies reduce distribution costs while improving product returns?: A case of an Asian e-retailer”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Emerald,
  • Anshu Agrawal(2021), “Impact of Elimination of Dividend Distribution Tax on Indian Corporate Firms Amid COVID Disruptions”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, MDPI,
  • Vikrant Kaushal, Sidharth Srivastava (2021), “Hospitality and tourism industry amid COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives on challenges and learnings from India”, International Journal of Hospitality Management,Elsevier,
  • Deepak Jaiswal, Vikrant Kaushal, Rishi Kant, Pankaj Kumar Singh (2021), “Consumer adoption intention for electric vehicles: Insights and evidence from Indian sustainable transportation”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Elsevier,
  • Vikrant Kaushal, Deepak Jaiswal, Rishi Kant, Nurmahmud Ali (2021), “Determinants of university reputation: conceptual model and empirical investigation in an emerging higher education market”, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Emerald,
  • Deepak Jaiswal, Vikrant Kaushal, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Abhijeet Biswas (2021), “Green market segmentation and consumer profiling: a cluster approach to an emerging consumer market”,Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald,
  • Mahender Reddy Gavinolla, Vikrant Kaushal, Agita Livina, Sampada Kumar Swain, Hemant Kumar (2021), “Sustainable consumption and production of wildlife tourism in Indian tiger reserves: a critical analysis”, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Emerald,
  • Amrinder Singhand Tarun Kumar Soni (2021), “Price transmission in cotton futures market: evidence from three countries”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, MDPI,
  • Akshita Arora, Amrinder Singh(2021), “Board Characteristics And Financial Performance: A Comprehensive Literature”, Corporate Ownership & Control, Virtus Enterprises, 22495/cocv19i1art14
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  • Pooja Malik and Parul Malik(2021), “Investigating the impact of knowledge sharing system on workplace deviance: a moderated mediated process model in Indian IT sector”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Emerald,
  • Rinki Dahiya(2021), “Refusing to forgive is your own loss: relationship between forgiveness and employee happiness”, International Journal of Business Excellence, Inderscience,
  • Rinki Dahiya(2021), “Life satisfaction model of intention to contribute in sustainability: through the lenses of servant leadership theory”, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Inderscience,
  • Rinki Dahiya, Juhi Raghuvanshi (2021), “Do values reflect what is important? Exploring the nexus between work values, work engagement and job burnout”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis,Emerald,
  • Janardan KrishnaYadav, Deepika ChandraVerma, Srinivas Jangirala, Shashi Kant Srivastava(2021), “An IAD type framework for Blockchain enabled smart tourism ecosystem”, The Journal of High Technology Management Research, Elsevier,
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava(2021), “Agricultural automation: A strategic dilemma of a rich Indian farmer”, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, Sage, DOI: 10.1177/2043886920951200
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava (2021), “IT Capital in improving national innovation productivity: understanding IT productivity paradox through cognitive path-dependence model”, Information Technology for Development, Taylor & Francis,
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava, Ashish Rastogi (2021), “The effect of income, family and socio‐religious affiliations on self‐rated health of the aged in India”, Journal of Public Affairs, Wiley,
  • Arpita Ghosh(2021), “Application of Cocos nucifera’s husk to remove malachite green dye and response surface modelling”, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Bulgarian, DOI:34049/bcc.53.D.28
  • Vikas Kumar , Vikrant Kaushal(2021), “Perceived brand authenticity and social exclusion as drivers of psychological brand ownership”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Elsevier,
  • M Pachayappan(2021), “Analyzing interrelated enablers of industry 4.0 for implementation in present industrial scenario”, Management Research Review, Emerald,
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava,Deepika Chandra Verma, Srinivas Jangirala and Janardan Krishna Yadav (2021), “Genesis of new financial institution: Exploration of the conducive institutional environment”, Academy of Management Proceedings,



  • Ankit Dixit, Bhavin Shah, Vandana Sonwaney (2020), “Picking Improvement of a FMCG Warehouse: A Lean perspective”, International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation, Inderscinece,
  • Anshu Agrawal(2020), “Sustainability of airlines in India with Covid-19: Challenges ahead and possible way-outs”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Springer,
  • Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Amrinder Singh(2020), “Twitter sentiment analysis of App based online food delivery companies”, Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Emerald,
  • Tarun Kumar Soni, Amrinder Singh(2020), “Directors’ Remuneration, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance Linkages: Evidence From The Emerging Country”, Corporate Ownership & Control, Virtus Enterprises, 22495/cocv18i1siart12
  • Rinki Dahiya, Santosh Rangnekar (2020). “Validation of satisfaction with life scale in the Indian manufacturing sector”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Emerald,
  • Rinki Dahiya(2020), “Does virtue in the organisation affect happiness of employees?”, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Inderscience,
  • Rinki Dahiya(2020), “Does organisational sustainability policies affect environmental attitude of employees? The missing link of green work climate perceptions”, Business Strategy & Development, Wiley,
  • Shashi Kant Srivastava, Saini Das, Godwin J. Udo & Kallol Bagchi (2020), “Determinants of Cybercrime Originating within a nation: A cross-country study”, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Taylor & Francis,
  • Pushpa Chaudhary Tomara , Shilpa Samir Chapadgaonkara , Varsha Panchala , Arpita Ghosh(2020), “Heavy metal phytoremediation: Potential and Advancement”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,
  • Varsha Panchal, Arpita Ghosh, Pushpa C. Tomar, and Shilpa S. Chapadgaonkar (2020), “Removal of contaminants from Yamuna water using peanut hull in packed bed reactor”, Journal of Rasayan Chemistry,
  • Pradipta Patra(2020), “Distribution of profit in a smart phone supply chain under isoelastic demand”, Int. J. Services and Operations Management, Inderscience,
  • Arun Kumar Kaushik, Geetha Mohan & Vikas Kumar(2020), “Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Customers’ Trust toward Mobile Retail Apps in India”, Journal of Internet Commerce, Taylor & Francis,
  • Vikas Kumar& Arun K. Kaushik (2020), “Does experience affect engagement? Role of destination brand engagement in developing brand advocacy and revisit intentions”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Taylor & Francis,
  • Imran Khan and Mobin Fatma, Vikas Kumar, Sara Amoroso (2020), “Do experience and engagement matter to millennial consumers?”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Emerald,



  • Sanjay Singh& Yogita Aggarwal (2019), “Are traditional negative gender attitudes associated with violent attitudes toward women? Insights from a new, culturally adapted measure in India”, Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, Springer,
  • Sanjay Singh(2019), “A theoretical discussion on the state of scientific research and publishing: Critical reflections and new directions”, Human Arenas, Springer,


  • Pragya Bhawsarand Nachiket Gosavi (2019), “Industry Cluster Based Development: a Paradigm with Partial Understanding, the Case of India”, Journal of International Business and Economy,
  • Pradipta Patra, U. Dinesh Kumar, David R. Nowicki, Wesley S. Randall (2019), “Effective management of performance-based contracts for sustainment dominant systems”, International Journal of Production Economics,Elsevier,
  • Arpita Ghosh, Manisha Ghosh Dastidar, T. R. Sreekrishnan, Pradipta Patra(2019), “Bioremediation of Binary System of Reactive Red 120 Dye and Cr(III) Using Aspergillus tamari and Statistical Validation of Response”, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Springer,



  • Vikas Kumar& Arun K. Kaushik (2018), “Building consumer–brand relationships through brand experience and brand identification”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Taylor & Francis,
  • Vikas Kumar& Arun Kumar Kaushik (2017), “Achieving destination advocacy and destination loyalty through destination brand identification”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Taylor & Francis,
  • Arun Kumar Kaushik, Vikas Kumar(2017), “Investigating Consumers’ adoption of SSTs - A Case study representing India’s Hospitality Industry”, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Sage, doi/full/10.1177/1356766717725560
  • Vikas Kumar& Arun Kumar Kaushik (2017), “Destination brand experience and visitor behavior: the mediating role of destination brand identification”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Taylor & Francis,
  • Vikas Kumar(2016), “Examining the role of destination personality and self-congruity in predicting tourist behavior”, Tourism Management Perspectives, Elsevier,